
lfkgjfkfdjg I love me a boy who really gets into character

[image description: nine panel drawing of star trek: the next generation mimicking a scene from parks and recreation

data: from now on we will be using codenames.

data, pulling out sunglasses from his jacket and putting them on: you can address me as “eagle one”

data, pointing at tasha: TASHA. codename, “been there, done that”

tasha: looking vaguely disgusted: data wtf

data, high fiving geordi: geordi is “currently doing that”

data, offscreen, pointing at riker, who winks: riker. “it happened once in a dream”

data, still offscreen: counsellor, “if I had to pick a beta”

deanna, looking pleasantly surprised: aw

data, dramatically pointing down: worf is….. … eagle two

worf, visibly relieved: oh thank kahless]




bad tng au: instead of playing poker, the crew have weekly dnd sessions. riker dms

geordi is a bard and has a ridiculously high charisma stat. he hits on npcs with such stunning irl charm that even riker is impressed. nobody understands why he can’t use the same charm with actual human interaction, including geordi himself

data is the WORST backseat dm-er, contesting even the slightest misstep of rules. “actually, it would be athletics” “data pls my acrobatics is so high”

worf just plays himself

how dare you say this is a bad au

Have you ever drawn Data trying on Geordie’s visor and/or trying to put it on Spot? I’m just imagining Geordie saying like “quick, take a holo-image so I can see how cute you were when I fINALLY get that thing back from you!”



data: I can’t see anything 

geordi: oh no how weird that must be for you 

[image: two line drawings of geordi la forge and data from star trek: the next generation. they are sitting on geordi’s bed, geordi in pjs. data puts the visor on and asks “Does it suit me?”. Geordi replies “Well, babe, it SOUNDS great”]


each time I draw lal she gets smaller

(click for non blurry resolution. thanks tumblr)

#geordi: i cant believe you made a baby without me  – thank you @engagemythrusters

[image description: two drawings from star trek: the next generation. in the first Data is holding a toddler sized Lal saying, “Look, I made a baby!”. In the second, Geordi stands in a mock offended posed, exclaiming, “Data!? Without me?” end id]