
Based on that one legendary scene from the “Shore Leave” episode….
(Btw, sorry if my english is not perfect, my native language is Spanish)



4. Favorite Sound Effect: Boatswain’s Whistle

I have the Boatswain’s Whistle as the notification sound on my phone and always whistle back at it when it rings without realizing it. I wondered if the crew sometimes does the same.

DRAMATIC UPDATE in the form of a text from my sister who works on a ship:





jim kirk’s snapchat account though, it would be amazing

him posing with the gorn like “aint easy being green” and one of his salad making a frowny face with tomato eyes and a red pepper slice mouth all “thanks a lot BONES”

and then a series of him posing in his tight red exercise pants sent to spock’s account with text like “SPOCK WHAT DO YOU THINK” different angle ”ARE THEY REGULATION STANDARD” another angle ”TOO SMALL OR JUST RIGHT?” from behind “OFFICIAL FIRST OFFICER THOUGHTS?” 

Omg 😂😂