
launchpad mcquack, the man who booed at a robot because he felt threatened in his position as scrooge’s driver, meeting della duck and wondering if she’s going to replace him as scrooge’s pilot

launchpad mcquack, the man who moped in the sidecar on the ratcatcher because he felt like he was superfluous because the robot that darkwing bought was doing his entire job for him, feeling like della’s replacing him when she offers to fly and immediately becoming defensive 

launchpad mcquack, the man who is so easily made jealous, sees his BEST FRIEND always wanting to spend time with della and feeling his heart twist because even though he knows that dewey hasn’t ever even seen his own mom before she returned, it still hurts that he never wants to hang out with him anymore

(launchpad mcquack, dewey’s best friend, wonders what’s so great about a lady who couldn’t keep her priorities straight and abandoned dewey and his brothers for the sake of an adrenaline rush)

launchpad mcquack, the people pleaser of the century, kicks himself for holding these things against della because no one else is upset about them anymore, and he doesn’t want anyone else to be upset about it – he doesn’t want to be upset about it, but he gets those feelings and he can’t manage to make them go away