
….Okay, so the best way I can explain how this all happened was I saw The Nutcracker and The Four Realms trailer a year ago and it looked really good. Fast forward to now, (it ended up being a terrible film, unfortunately.) BUT! The trailer for it is still absolutely gorgeous, and I was completely frustrated with the idiotic plot, or lack of plot that Disney came up with for it, so I dug deep and went back to my very top secret hidden away DWD AU I came up with last year….which is this. Feel free to click on the read more to see the story behind it all if you’d like!

Keep reading


Soooo I have an upcoming surgery that unfortunately, my insurance is not going to cover! It would be nice to do some commissions while I can to help with that!

Since I don’t have much time (surgery’s next week!), and I don’t particularly like to leave people hanging, I’ll need to keep the commissions as simple and familiar as possible, so if you have any DISNEY related commissions, i.e.: classic cartoon characters, ducks, Darkwing Duck, Ducktales etc. type things, I can get those out a lot faster than characters I’m not familiar with. Plus it relieves MY stress too, because nothing makes me happier than drawing Disney. 😀

Examples of my work:

Again, ideally, something simple for me that I can get out fast!  I’d throw out prices, but anything would help me at this point, really, so I’m setting this at Pay What You Want. Every little bit helps! No donations please, it is crucially important I send out invoices via Paypal for security reasons, so no gifts or anything like that. Just let me know your Paypal email, what you’d like to pay for the piece, and I’ll fill out the invoice and send it. 😀

If you can’t commission, please circulate! This will only be open for a few days, because I don’t want to accumulate too many orders. Thanks for reading! ;w;