
Sooo, I kept seeing posts about Scrooge adopting Lena and how he’s technically her father/uncle?? all week and I can’t take it out of my head so YOU BRANG THIS UPON YOURSELVES. Some doodles I’ve been making on my free times (that’s why they’re ugly lazy). Scrooge has adopted both children and adults, but teens?? Man, you won’t tell me it isn’t an interesting dyinamic to explore, right?? So ugh have some old duck and his shadow daughter. (You might… like to click to read my minuscule handwriting…)

Tia Cabrera AU


So HDL and Fenton both have missing fathers. This idea just randomly popped into my head and would probably never happen, but what if their fathers were the same person? And they found this out when HDL were around 4 or so? So they grew up with an older brother and an aunt.

  • Donald probably already knows Spanish from Panchito but HDL grow up speaking it with Gloria and Fenton
  • Fenton spends a lot of time with Huey, doing science stuff
  • Fenton comes to father/son Junior Woodchuck stuff with Huey when Donald’s busy (which is often)
  • HDL call M’ma Tia Gloria and she fusses over them 24/7
  • Donald’s too proud to move in with them when money’s tight no matter how many times M’ma insists on it but he does let her bring over home-cooked meals 
  • Since Gloria is an officer she doesn’t condone Louie’s stealing but she does teach him how to twist his words and swindle money out of rich people
  • HDL have sleepovers over at their house and stay up late watching TV with M’ma and playing with Fenton’s chemistry sets
  • Fenton lands his internship just before HDL discover Scrooge and totally freaks out when he finds out his internship is under his little brothers’ great uncle. 
  • Fenton makes the boys promise not to tell him so Gyro doesn’t hate him more, but Huey is a terrible liar and Scrooge figures it out really fast. He doesn’t really ever talk to Fenton, but kind of watches him in a non-creepy way 😛
  • When Fenton’s in the hospital and Scrooge is just leaving he quietly mentions that he knows, saying something like “I’m glad there’s a superhero in my family” or something
  • after that Gloria and Fenton come over a lot for dinner. Scrooge is a huge fan of M’ma’s cooking
  • Even before that the boys immediately have Webby join them for dinner at the Cabrera house and for sleepovers.
  • Fenton is fond of but a little scared of Webby, and Gloria takes to her instantly, having her call her Tia Gloria as well.
  • Gloria’s at the house while Lena is waiting for Webby one day, and she can immediately tell that Lena’s household isn’t a good one and instantly adopts her as well.
  • Magica’s kind of pissed off about it, because it’s not related to their mission at all, but Gloria is really good for Lena
  • Gladstone still comes over from time to time when HDL are still kids. Gloria does not like him 😛
  • after the Atlantis mission especially after Roxanne Featherly’s broadcast goes on air there are 3000 phone calls from M’ma and Fenton on Donald and HDL’s phones
  • Beakley and Gloria are cautious around each other at first but after they get to know each other they get along pretty well!
  • At some point Mr. Crackshell finds out that all four of his kids are related to Scrooge McDuck and comes around. He gets slapped by Gloria, HDLW, Scrooge, Beakley, Donald, Gyro, etc. 
  • At one point Jose and Panchito come by and Gloria is delighted to meet these two other adoptive uncles who speak (some sort) of Spanish.
  • When Della comes back Gloria’s really wary around her too, but eventually warms up to her.
  • Fenton helps Huey (though he doesn’t usually need it) Dewey, and Louie with their science, math, and engineering homework
  • At one point young, maybe 5 year old Dewey wanders off. Donald is going into a panic. Gloria shoots into the police station and fires up everything to find Dewey. (he’s fine)
  • The kids quickly learn how to swear in Spanish
  • Fenton gives the kids piggyback rides in the Gizmosuit
  • Glomgold finds out about Scrooge gaining two new family members and tries to kidnap Gloria. Let’s just say Glomgold didn’t ever attempt to go near her again 😛