Hi :D tell me, you know that as the three Caballeros, Donald can’t hide something to his fellow Caballeros. So how do you think José and Panchito will react to Donpad? (in good way I hope because they “three gay Caballeros” ^^)


(I wrote this whole thing out under the assumption that Donald would’ve been in a prior relationship with Jose and Panchito)

they would totally figure it out right away just from seeing Donald and his composure around Launchpad, and it would be mixed feelings of being happy for him, a little sad for themselves, mildly jealous – Panchito moreso. but overall i think their love for him is big enough that they’re able to respect his needs and accept it. (they always welcome him back with open arms)

they’re both very Celebrate Life type characters, and I believe they would be just as excited for Donald, almost enough to blow his cover! it probably comes as a relief to Donald that he can share this with those that know this part of him. Panchito I could see as struggling with both adoring Launchpad and competing with him – he can’t help himself. Jose is calmer, sincerely happy for Donald, but is aware that it takes a toll on Panchito, who he also loves dearly. 

not a whole lot changes about the way they behave around eachother, still gay and cheerful and close! but they respect the boundaries that Donald is in a relationship with another.
