
This is for @lazy–stars who mentioned needing some coffee to warm them up! You totally gave me this image in my head, and I just had to draw Stan! 😀

Been trying to experiment how to make Stan look cuter in my style, and I’ve changed up how I draw his jaw/cheek area. I think it looks better! Now is drawing Stan shirtless a bit too self-indulgent? Yes, but I wanna indulge from time to time lol.

“Well look who’s come to visit bright and early! Y’look like you need some hot coffee in you. How about you step inside for a cup, sweetheart?”

(P.S. The mug actually says CO-#1 Grunkle)


Josè: Do you want to know your gay name, meu amor?

Donald Duck: … My gay name?

Josè: Yeah, it’s your first name … 

Donald Duck: Oh. Haha, I get it–

Josè: [gets down on one knee and holds out a ring] And my last name. 

Donald Duck: hoLY SHIT–!