
lfkgjfkfdjg I love me a boy who really gets into character

[image description: nine panel drawing of star trek: the next generation mimicking a scene from parks and recreation

data: from now on we will be using codenames.

data, pulling out sunglasses from his jacket and putting them on: you can address me as “eagle one”

data, pointing at tasha: TASHA. codename, “been there, done that”

tasha: looking vaguely disgusted: data wtf

data, high fiving geordi: geordi is “currently doing that”

data, offscreen, pointing at riker, who winks: riker. “it happened once in a dream”

data, still offscreen: counsellor, “if I had to pick a beta”

deanna, looking pleasantly surprised: aw

data, dramatically pointing down: worf is….. … eagle two

worf, visibly relieved: oh thank kahless]


Here’s what makes me mad.

Deanna Troi has so much potential and only got to show it a couple times.

The power to sense people’s emotions? That’s an incredible gift. Anyone can have a poker face, anyone can pretend not to feel…but you still feel.

Imagine Deanna Troi staring down a Klingon warrior and saying “you can’t hide from me…you’re afraid. You’re afraid and I can feel every ounce of fear.”

Imagine Deanna Troi getting Cardassian war criminals to confess.

Imagine Deanna Troi helping people with PTSD during the Dominion War.

Imagine Deanna Troi actually helping Picard through his PTSD.

Imagine Deanna actually using her powers.

Imagine Deanna with a storyline that didn’t have to do with a man.

Imagine Deanna being complicated and emotional and fighting to figure out which emotions were even her own and fighting to not lose herself in what everyone else is feeling. Imagine the profound way she is affected everytime they rescue refugees from the Borg, surrounded by so much sorrow. Imagine the wierd guilt she feels after they escape the BORG because that lack of emotion…it’s almost a relief.