
lfkgjfkfdjg I love me a boy who really gets into character

[image description: nine panel drawing of star trek: the next generation mimicking a scene from parks and recreation

data: from now on we will be using codenames.

data, pulling out sunglasses from his jacket and putting them on: you can address me as “eagle one”

data, pointing at tasha: TASHA. codename, “been there, done that”

tasha: looking vaguely disgusted: data wtf

data, high fiving geordi: geordi is “currently doing that”

data, offscreen, pointing at riker, who winks: riker. “it happened once in a dream”

data, still offscreen: counsellor, “if I had to pick a beta”

deanna, looking pleasantly surprised: aw

data, dramatically pointing down: worf is….. … eagle two

worf, visibly relieved: oh thank kahless]

Have you ever drawn Data trying on Geordie’s visor and/or trying to put it on Spot? I’m just imagining Geordie saying like “quick, take a holo-image so I can see how cute you were when I fINALLY get that thing back from you!”



data: I can’t see anything 

geordi: oh no how weird that must be for you 

[image: two line drawings of geordi la forge and data from star trek: the next generation. they are sitting on geordi’s bed, geordi in pjs. data puts the visor on and asks “Does it suit me?”. Geordi replies “Well, babe, it SOUNDS great”]


each time I draw lal she gets smaller

(click for non blurry resolution. thanks tumblr)

#geordi: i cant believe you made a baby without me  – thank you @engagemythrusters

[image description: two drawings from star trek: the next generation. in the first Data is holding a toddler sized Lal saying, “Look, I made a baby!”. In the second, Geordi stands in a mock offended posed, exclaiming, “Data!? Without me?” end id]