Have you ever drawn Data trying on Geordie’s visor and/or trying to put it on Spot? I’m just imagining Geordie saying like “quick, take a holo-image so I can see how cute you were when I fINALLY get that thing back from you!”



data: I can’t see anything 

geordi: oh no how weird that must be for you 

[image: two line drawings of geordi la forge and data from star trek: the next generation. they are sitting on geordi’s bed, geordi in pjs. data puts the visor on and asks “Does it suit me?”. Geordi replies “Well, babe, it SOUNDS great”]


each time I draw lal she gets smaller

(click for non blurry resolution. thanks tumblr)

#geordi: i cant believe you made a baby without me  – thank you @engagemythrusters

[image description: two drawings from star trek: the next generation. in the first Data is holding a toddler sized Lal saying, “Look, I made a baby!”. In the second, Geordi stands in a mock offended posed, exclaiming, “Data!? Without me?” end id]





In my head I’m always like “!!!! Daforge and Garashir double date !!!!!” But then I really think about it and it would just be Julian and Data talking on and on about everything under the sun and then Geordi sweating nervously, desperately trying to stay in tune with their conversation as Garak does that “I’m trying to creep you out” smile at him the whole time

I can also see it the other way around. Julian and Geordi talk nerdy the entire time while Garak tries, and fails, to creep out Data who insists on trying to run his “small talk subroutine.”

data is way too open and unguileless with garak. garak starts getting very، very, uncomfortable

After hours of innuendo and blatant hint dropping, things finally come
to a head.
Data: “How are you finding the fashion industry aboard DS9 in comparison to back on Cardassia Prime?”
The entire restaurant: “…”
Garak: “…”
Data: “I am very sorry to hear that… . Would you say that catering to a Bajoran clientele is vastly different than catering to a Cardassian one?”


A REASONABLE SACRIFICE – a daforge descent fanmix |(spotify)(playmoss)(8tracks)

“Data… If you ever go back to the way you were, you might not be able to forgive yourself for what you’re about to do.”

01. Paranoia – Liz Anna | 02. Numb – Marina and the Diamonds | 03. My Manic And I – Laura Marling | 04. Skeleton Song – Kate Nash | 05. Hot Thoughts – Spoon | 06. Generosity – Mirah | 07. Lasso – Phoenix | 08. I’m Not Human At All – Sleep Party People | 09. All Sparks – Editors | 10. Omg, What Has He Done? – Aperture Science Psychoacoustic Laboratories | 11. Don’t Use Me Up – Emily Wells | 12. Ball of earth – Beecake | 13. Get Me Away from Here, I’m Dying – Belle & Sebastian | 14. Bird Balloons – Lady Lamb | 15. Faith in Love – Devil Doll | 16. Capable – The Wild Reeds