




I can’t explain how much I want a 21st century Star Trek au where Kirk still lives in Iowa and it’s like “holy shit aliens just literally landed in my cornfield I can’t believe my life became a bad episode of x-files”

ok but. hear me out like…

  • kirk as just this genius 21yr old in Iowa building hi-tech shit in his basement; like radios and shit that manage to pick up sub-space frequencies that he helps code w/ the help of Uhura
  • kirk thinking it’d be a funny prank to make some crop circles in his family’s cornfield
  • kirk making intricate crop circles that read as some rudimentary script of Vulcan
  • spock responding to the images that seem to be an SOS from his father; beams down to earth only to find out some humans managed to accidentally learn the vulcan language
  • “oh so you’re an alien” “indeed” “And…you’re looking for your dad.” “affirmative” “well, you know what this means?” “….” “…roadtrip.”
  • spock learns the meaning of friendship as he roadtrips across america with a pack of humans that kirk picks up along the way in search of his father: mccoy, the doctor they met in georgia that let them sleep in his basement; scotty the auto repair guy they meet in some backwater town; sulu in new york that is much better at driving than kirk is; nobody really knows how chekov ended up with them, but it’s probably illegal
  • these are the voyages of the 1970 Volkswagen bus Enterprise


@gayhura humble origins








There was no movement from Kirk at all.

What breaks my heart the most about these reactions is that everyone has suddenly become their own opposite in the face of Kirk’s death. Energetic, joking Scotty looks like he’s aged at least ten years with grief, like he’ll never smile again. Strong, put-together Uhura completely breaks down. Spock gives no fucks about holding in his emotions. Bones looks like a child who just watched one of his parents walk out on him forever. They aren’t Jim’s crew anymore, not in these brief moments. They’re entirely different people.


#i fucking hate everything

I am so done with you all

#i’m in pain